Dear Community. The voting has finished. Thanks for participation. It was a thrilling experience.

28 Aug 2023, 20:38
Dear Community! 🥁The voting has finished. Thanks for participation. It was a thrilling experience. 💪The option to preserve total supply won with 6,858,307.58 of voting power against 4,336,212.33 of voting power for the option to extend total supply. As the end of the voting has shifted to the late evening, we will hold an AMA tomorrow. 📅 Date: 29th of August, 12:00 UTC+0 🎙 Venue: Telegram chat We will talk about voting results and next steps towards Trinity DAO. We will be glad to see you and answer your questions. ❔Questions can be sent to the Google form before the broadcast. You can also ask your questions during the AMA session!